What Are the Types Of Self-Defense Products?


We always had the need to defend ourselves from predators both human and animal. Items used for self-defense back in the dawn of time might have been a stick or stone. As they say "we have come a long way baby."

In this article we will describe the various types of self-defense products, most of them are legal everywhere, some are not. You need to check for the legality of these products in your area before you get one.

The first type of self-defense product is what we would call a lethal product. An example of a lethal product is a handgun or other type of firearm. But just about any product if misused can cause death. A good example of that is a piece of wood. If misused or abused, striking someone hard enough and often enough can cause death. The nearest estimates are that close to 80 million people in the United States have handguns. At least according to the law, you are required to be licensed to carry a handgun; but as you know, many people don't obey that law.

Read More: What Are the Types Of Self-Defense Products?


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