
Do You Understand The Difference Between Features and Benefits?

This helps you sell better face to face and helps you write better content for the products. If you study marketing gurus, they are always telling you to focus on benefits, not features, when you write sales copy or create ads. Most business owners struggle with the features vs. benefits dilemma. Most business owners do not understand the difference. And because of this, most small-business marketing efforts don’t work! Most small-business marketers assume that prospects will understand why they should buy the product just because they’ve been told about it. Therefore, business owners only communicate the features of their products to prospective customers and neglect to mention the benefits. What Are Features? Take a look at the list of features below related to our products.  Only 2 inches wide Only 4 inches high Locking Actuator Maintenance free Batteries included Each is a feature — a factual statement about the product or service being promoted. But fea

How to Use Celebrity and News Events To Be Found In The Search Engines

Let’s pretend that you are in Hollywood and its Oscar time and you are standing in the crowd watching the celebrities walk the red carpet. Now pretend that you are able to quietly sneak on the red carpet and walk a couple of steps behind Nicole Kidman or Clint Eastwood…acting like you belonged there…people wondering who you were… camera flashes going off…you and Nicole or you and Clint in the same photo the next day in the papers and online. Attaching yourself to a celebrity got you noticed. You were able to piggyback on their celebrity. Now I want to show you how you can use this same concept online so you can be found when people search for a celebrity or a hot news story. Years ago I flew Delta up to Atlanta. During the trip I picked up the Delta Sky magazine and skimmed through it. Inside was an interview with Taylor Swift, country pop singer and Grammy award winner. One of the questions they asked Taylor was what her current personal fears were. Her answer… “I am s

What Are the Types Of Self-Defense Products?

We always had the need to defend ourselves from predators both human and animal. Items used for self-defense back in the dawn of time might have been a stick or stone. As they say "we have come a long way baby." In this article we will describe the various types of self-defense products, most of them are legal everywhere, some are not. You need to check for the legality of these products in your area before you get one. The first type of self-defense product is what we would call a lethal product. An example of a lethal product is a handgun or other type of firearm. But just about any product if misused can cause death. A good example of that is a piece of wood. If misused or abused, striking someone hard enough and often enough can cause death. The nearest estimates are that close to 80 million people in the United States have handguns. At least according to the law, you are required to be licensed to carry a handgun; but as you know, many people don't obey that law. Re